jeudi 28 août 2014

How's This for a First Day in Dakar (originally posted on facebook 9/21/2013)

It seems like this moment has been years in the making, but I am finally in Senegal. And it's only my first day and I left my passport, vaccine card, emergency contact sheet and my US dollars in the taxi. Imagine my surprise when he showed up 3 hours later with my green folder. Cost me about 5 dollars to repay him for his trouble. So yeah, I think I am having a good day. 

I also learned two new things about Africa today. Damn there are a lot of black folk. And two, Senegal is approximately 2 feet from the sun inside a giant humidifier. Still taking in all the sites and sounds and meeting some of my colleagues and learning a bit more about the project I will be working on. 

Not much to report since I spent most of the afternoon talking to my roommate who is from La Jolla and lost his shiz when I told him I was from Poway. Because even to a fellow San Diegan the question in their mind is always, "who the hell is from Poway". In short, I have arrived safe and sound, the Senegal adventure begins.

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