jeudi 28 août 2014

Being a Polyglot and Catalan (originally posted on facebook 12/12/2013)

I just discovered a new website and read an article about this amazing polyglot from Ireland, and his tips for quickly learning languages. I loved his post about Barcelona and Catalan, as I taught myself Catalan in a few months before a five day trip to Barcelona 3 years ago. During my trip I was amazed at how well the Catalans treated me when I spoke to them with my limited Catalan. It is very unusual for foreigners to speak the language, considering that many assume the language in Barcelona is only Spanish. 

Interestingly, during a visit to Senegal by these American doctors for my project a few months ago, I pointed out to a doctor that the clinic was funded by a Catalan NGO, and she asked me how I knew, and I said because the sign is in Catalan. Then she asked me if Catalan was a local language? I'll just let that sink in... But I digress. 

I had an amazing time in Barcelona meeting lots of really nice locals, who by the way, have a reputation for being cold, at least from other Spaniards I met. Nothing could be further from the truth, people wanted to buy me drinks, show me to the nicer clubs, get me in without paying cover, have me over for pre-drinking, chastise their Spanish friends for living in Barcelona for years and not learning even the basics. 

I stayed with my friend Mauricio and his girlfriend, from Valencia, and spoke Catalan. And then to my great surprise last week while in a bar I met a girl from Valencia and started speaking Catalan to her. She was so surprised and said that my Catalan was better than hers, she could understand but she spoke Spanish better. So she spoke to me in Spanish and I responded in Catalan. 

His description of Catalan is spot on, it's exactly how I describe it when people ask me what it is like, and how I explain to people how I was able to pick it up so quickly. 

"... imagine a triangle with French, Spanish and Italian on the ends, Catalan would be in the middle of that triangle... Spanish sentence rhythm, French vocabulary and Italian verb conjugation..."

I love this article and this guy's website, because it's all about giving tips on learning languages, but not sugarcoating the fact that it is hard work. And because he stole my idea of spending a summer in Barcelona. And how important it is not be afraid to make mistakes and speak whenever you get the chance. Nothing worth having comes easy. Just start talking in the language and someone will probably answer back. 

My Multilingual Summer in Barcelona
Are you close-minded? How I finally learned how to get along with Parisians

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