vendredi 30 octobre 2015

Uber America

I read articles suggesting that airbnb is contributing to high rents, and not the result of it. Because you know, who doesn't want strangers in their house when they are not there, or worse, when they are. It used to be called a break-in, now it's the only way to make rent. Just finished an article that notes most professors at US universities are adjunct, the "Uber of higher learning", who still have Masters or PhD, but accompanied by low pay and no job security.

Article after article noting that a 4-year degree is now the equivalent of a high school diploma, and that college grads have lower unemployment, yet are often working jobs that do not require a degree and that do not pay enough to cover their rent and pay back the loans. Everyone's a consultant, an independent contractor, a freelancer. So in short, you go to school, you get that degree, you land the job, all so you can charge people to sleep on your pull-out and drive an Uber at night to make ends meet, you know, the American dream. Well at least you have your freedom.

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